I was at the feeders today with Graham & we witnessed a very poorly Goldfinch, which I later watched keel over & expire on the Main bird table. It may be a good idea not to put seed on the tables etc for a few days whilst we work out a plan to eradicate this horrible disease.
Here it is earlier in the day plump looking & struggling to swallow allowing humans to approach & touch it - this was taken using a Micro lens from inches away.
Later on it just sat like this for a couple of hours - then fluttered it's wings & expired flat out on the table.
I am in discussions with Graham & we hope to have a "swap out" system for feeders with an initial clean down of all the tables etc So watch this space - We will get back to you soon.
I saw it hammer the Greenfinch & Bullfinch a couple of winters back at Fairburn, But us Humans can help eradicate it by cleaning & swapping out feeders to remove transference.
I'm diving in early with this, due to its effectiveness at passing on from bird to bird, but if we keep constant food around for a few days on unsterilized surfaces - We could loose all our finches.
We will get back to you on this Soon.
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