On the feeders in the car park were 5 Blue Tits, 3 Great Tits, 2 Robins, 2 Bullfinch (M&F), 1 Long Tailed Tit. Its the first time i've seen bullfinch at this feeding station and LTT.
I headed into the reserve on what was an overcast but mild day and headed over the yellow brick road. In my thoughts were reports of people hearing Green Woodpecker flying over this area, as I walked on something flushed out of the trees, guess what?! A beautiful Green Woodpecker flew out across the open land and into the trees on the edge of the hill that slopes down to the weir. I was afforded lovely views through the bins but not so great for photos. This was a lifer for me so a great start to my visit! Here is a very blurry and awful quality record shot:

I went on after losing sight of the bird and down to the feeding station at spider bridge. 7 Redpoll, 3 Bullfinch (2 male, 1 female), Robin, 5 Blue Tits & 3 more Great Tits.

I carried on heading across the bridge and turned right to visit the lake where some work has been done. The area has really opened up and now affords fantastic views over the open water on the lagoon, fantastic job everyone! Hope the lagoon attracts some decent birds over the course of the year, I saw a wren head into the dense reeds and a couple of blue tits on one of the trees.
I carried on the riverside path and spotted 4 goosander (2 male, 2 female) having an afternoon nap on the opposite bank. 2 teal flew in which the goosander didnt like, all 4 took to the water to shoo them off!

I continued on to spaghnum bog, crossed the reserve and found the many nestboxes put up by volunteers last weekend, again a fantastic job! I stumbled accidentally on the new feeding station which was empty but im glad i've found it now! I returned to spider bridge, 1 cormorant on ski lake + the usual numerous gulls. I heard a strange call as I crossed the bridge and went in search of the bird, it was of course a song thrush, it seems so long since i've heard one I had forgotten its wonderful song, didnt manage a photo but enjoyed the song while it lasted!
Another wonderful visit to Cromwell Bottom, it just keeps getting better!
1 comment:
Nice report Andy. Its a very long time since a Green Woodpecker was a lifer for me. It was exciting getting lifers almost every time I went out.
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